Tag: Enterprise Linux


Fedora Workstation Live x86_64 Vers.41

This is Fedora workstation 64-bit edition. If you need the server package, it’s on their website. I am just putting this here because I am suggesting that you possibly use this software, instead of windows. It’s better, and this is the best of the Enterprise grade operating systems. An enterprise operating system is a redhat compatible operating system. See RPMFusion.com to get youtube videos or any video to work, it’s rather simple. Also see my Almalinux post to see whats on RPMFusion.com or how to do it


CentOS Stream 9 x86_64-dvd

CentOS is an Enterprise operating system, meaning that it is in the same ecosystem as Redhat Enterprise linux. CentOS is kinda for more advanced users, whereas almalinux caters to enterprise users that are newer.

Almalinux 9.5 Image Welcome to Almalinux _TheSatellite.Org 0

Almalinux 9.5 Enterprise Iso (DVD)

This is the .iso of almalinux, for amd64 (x86_64) bit computers. If your not sure if you have a 64-bit computer, then you probably do have a 64-bit computer! Most home computers are 64-bit, unless they are really old they are 32-bit. Anyways this is an Enterprise version of Linux, so it is compatible with Redhat Enterprise Linux, and most things from Redhat will work. I also am putting up Redhat Enterprise Linux if you want to download that one, though you would have to sign up for a developer...