Almalinux 9.5 Enterprise Iso (DVD)
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- Create Date March 4, 2025
- Last Updated March 4, 2025
Almalinux 9.5 Enterprise Iso (DVD)
This is the .iso of almalinux, for amd64 (x86_64) bit computers. If your not sure if you have a 64-bit computer, then you probably do have a 64-bit computer! Most home computers are 64-bit, unless they are really old they are 32-bit. Anyways this is an Enterprise version of Linux, so it is compatible with Redhat Enterprise Linux, and most things from Redhat will work. I also am putting up Redhat Enterprise Linux if you want to download that one, though you would have to sign up for a developer account on the redhat website to update the operating system (you need an account), and this almalinux is a version of enterprise linux that doesn't need an account to update, which is the attraction of it, or why people use it.
Often people use Almalinux for servers, but I use it as a workstation. When you install it, and are configuring the system, if your not going to make a server, click on "Workstation" under "Software Selection". People often don't use linux because they are unfamiliar with it, that is so wrong, linux is better than windows, and I am not biased towards linux in any way, it actually is better than windows...
So when you first install it, you'll need to do like 4 things:
1) Open "gnome-extensions-app" (the green puzzle piece in the applications menu) and go through the options in that application, which ones you want, which ones you don't want,
And 2) Open "gnome-tweaks" (you may need to install it with the command "sudo dnf install gnome-tweaks" enter that into the console, and go through the options there as well. I always like to make the font size smaller, I have good eyes and it looks better when it's smaller, not like huge text like I am a blind person!
3) Configure extra repositories. type in "sudo dnf install epel-release" into the console without the quotes. You'll need your root password everytime you enter a sudo command, but this will install extra repos, so when you go to install software, it will look for that software amongst a bigger selection, and type in "sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb" this is just a requirement of the software for almalinux, you can't install alot of software without crb (PowerTools).
4) Install the elrepo repository. Type in: "sudo dnf install elrepo-release" to do this.
5) type in "sudo dnf install distribution-gpg-keys" to install the software necessary to install "RPMFusion" which allows you to watch youtube movies and play videos,
Remember, this is the configuration of an entire operating system, so if this seems like it's hard or something, remember your configuring an entire system up to quality standards,
Now 7) install RPMFusion with the command below;
sudo dnf --setopt=localpkg_gpgcheck=1 install$(rpm -E %rhel).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %rhel).noarch.rpm
Now 8) configure RPMFusion, with this command: "sudo dnf swap ffmpeg-free ffmpeg --allowerasing"
9) The next command to enter is to configure RPMFusion again, "sudo dnf update @multimedia --setopt="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin"
10) I lied about there being 4 steps to this process. If you have a recent intel based graphics card, (not AMD or NVidia), enter this command: "sudo dnf install intel-media-driver"
And if you have an older intel based graphics card, enter this command: "sudo dnf install libva-intel-driver"
If you have an nvidia based card, enter this command: "sudo dnf install libva-nvidia-driver"
For a recent AMD card enter this command: "sudo dnf swap mesa-va-drivers mesa-va-drivers-freeworld" and "sudo dnf swap mesa-vdpau-drivers mesa-vdpau-drivers-freeworld" to gain access to the AMD drivers for Almalinux that are both in the free and non-free sections.
11) type in this command to update your system with all the new drivers: "sudo dnf update @core"
12) We next install an operating system kernel, the newest one, and every time you type in "sudo dnf update" to update your system, it will update the kernel as well! Type in: "dnf --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml" to install the mainline kernel (hence the letters "ml") you can optionally type in "LT" instead of "ml" to install the long term kernel if the ml doesn't work on your system, which, it probably will work which is why i'm telling you to install the "ml" or "mainline" kernel, the one that is most up to date.
13) 12 was the last step, this is a fake step, there's nothing more to do. Perhaps you want to install chromium, and firefox, and maybe some office software. I personally like to install clang, because I use C++ all the time and I edit it with the program "pluma" type in "sudo dnf install pluma" to get pluma on your system, and you can also google "gnome look" to find a website with different themes for your system. I like marwaita theme, and they are easy to install, just put the right folder into .themes in your home directory, and then go to gnome-tweaks and select that theme that you just put into the themes folder.
I know all of this is hard I don't know how to make it any easier, it's all plainly there, available for you, you've just got to follow the steps and you'll have an enterprise grade system. (they argue that enterprise systems are better than the debian/ubuntu based systems, because they are more secure, faster, whatever, I think they're about the same?)